In this unprecedented time, we want you to know that your well-being is foremost in our thoughts.
Our team has been brainstorming the best ways we can support you with at-home engagement to use on your own, or with others who may be at home with you. Starting today, we will be sharing here a new “TBH Quiet the Mind” series, with a variety of stress-reducing activities everyone can do on their own. We will post a new “Quiet the Mind” activity regularly, with our own workouts as well as others from some of our favorite, most trusted sources. We hope that you will find this a resource for creating a space for caring for your mind and your well-being.
Our first Quiet Your Mind post is “Stress Busters for Challenging Times” published by Kripalu, a favorite yoga education center in Massachusetts.
We also very much welcome your suggestions and ideas for what you can use to stay engaged with brain wellness at home, so that we can innovate together and inspire each other to help all minds thrive, even under these circumstances.
Wishing good health to all –
The Team at Total Brain Health
CLICK HERE to read “Stress Busters for Challenging Times” published by Kripalu