Team up for fast-paced brain games to introduce the value of timed workouts to everyday thinking.
We will be working on the following thinking skills today:
Hand out the TBH Welcome Packet to all new students for a more complete introduction.
We are going to begin with TBH Let’s Get It Started!
Being physically active is great for our brains. This quick warmup is a great way to get focused, build energy and get us ready to learn. We’ll do this right at our seats at the beginning of every class. Just watch what I do and follow along!
(At end of warmup) Great job, everyone! We are started up and ready to go!
Click to open the TBH Let’s Get It Started! playlist.
Click for the TBH Let’s Get It Started! complete guide.
Now let’s do our “Brain Play.” These fast-paced warm-ups at the start of every class are an important way we can keep our thinking focused, fast and nimble.
Today’s Brain Play is called “Word Hot Potato.” I’m going to say a word. The next person will take the last letter of my word and say a word that begins with that letter. Then the next person will go, again taking the last letter of that word and saying a new word that begins with that letter. Everyone understand the directions?
Great! Let’s get started! I’m going to set the pace to make sure we work fast! Let’s go. BRAIN.
(At end of workout) Let’s all congratulate each other. What a great job playing word hot potato!
Today’s topic is “Beat the Clock!” There’s nothing like racing against the clock to get us to speed up our processing skills. Did you know that when time is of the essence and we have to hurry to get something done, there’s a brain bonus?
Research shows that “thinking fast” helps us sharpen and maintain intellectual skills—especially attention, speed, executive control, and memory, all of which tend to decline as we get older.
Do you have some things you do that force you to work against the clock and think fast?
One of the best — and most fun! — ways to flex our mental muscles is to play games or work puzzles that are timed. These can be board games, console-based games using devices like the Nintendo Wii, or app-based games that we can download and play on our smartphones or tablets.
That means we can fit in a brain workout whenever we find ourselves with a little time to spare—in line at the grocery store or even in the doctor’s waiting room!
Now we are going to break into two teams for a bit of friendly “Beat the Clock!” competition. Each team will work together to see who can win against the clock and finish first! We have a few games to play. I’ll keep score. Let’s get started!
(At end of workout) Awesome job, both teams! Our brains were definitely the big winners today!
WORD SCRAMBLE How many words can each team find using the prompt word letters?
Each team picks a “scribe.” They will write the prompt word at the top of the team white board/flip chart. Each team has 3 minutes to work together and come up with as many words as they can using the letters in the prompt word. When time is up, one team will call out the words on their list. Both teams will cross out any words in common (for example, if both teams have the word “rope” on their list, both teams will cross it out). The team with the most words remaining wins.
Prompt words (pick one at a time):
Distance learners will add to their teams’ list at the end of the round or share their answers with the group if doing the workout “all together.”
SING DOWN! How many songs can each team name (or sing!) that include the prompt word?
Each team takes a turn naming or singing a song that includes the prompt word below in the lyrics. For example, if the prompt word is “rain,” they would name or sing songs such as “Don’t Rain on My Parade” or “Rain, Rain Go Away.” Songs cannot be repeated. Each team has 30 seconds to come up with their “song.” The last team to successfully come up with a song wins the round. Play several rounds using the prompt words below, one at a time, as time allows. The team winning the most rounds wins the game.
Prompt Words (pick one at a time):
Encourage distance learners to call out answers during their turn. If doing “All Together,” have everyone call out answers for a shared group experience.
Playing against clock is great for our brains. Research has found that timed workouts help us maintain the very intellectual skills that typically decline with age, especially attention, quick and nimble thinking, and memory.
Here is a handout that lists lots of options for ways you can keep training your brain against the clock!
What’s your favorite take away from today’s class? How will you put what we learned together into practice?
Let’s wrap up with “TBH Take a Breath.” Being mindful of our breath and sharing some positive thoughts is a wonderful way to acknowledge what we’ve learned together before we go back to our day. Research also shows that these kinds of exercises help us focus better and even learn more effectively.
My brain is nimble.
I am grateful for thinking clearly.
I am grateful for thinking quickly.
I am grateful for my brain.
Click for the TBH Take a Breath music playlist.
Click to open the TBH Take A Breath complete guide.
I am so glad we had this time to learn together today. It was so nice to try something new and play against the clock with our brains!
I look forward to seeing you for our next TBH Brain Workout class. Be sure to bring a friend!
Use these optional worksheets to run your class.
Beat the Clock Worksheet. Exercises to maintain and improve balance.
Distribute these optional handouts to extend the learning experience.
TBH Beat the Clock! Suggested Games. (Total Brain Health) This handout lists commercial timed games students can play on their own or with family or friends.
Think Fast! Why Working Against the Clock Works for Your Brain. A Total Brain Health White Paper.