Want additional training in brain health for your program rollout? While our TBH Toolkits are fully scripted we also offer facilitator training to help ensure a successful launch of the TBH Toolkits.

TBH TOOLKITS TRAINER EDUCATION SERIES includes a full library of short, self-paced training videos to drive home the learning. Get practical tips for using the TBH Toolkits, and boost confidence with best practices for facilitating classes. On demand for year-round use. Earn a TBH Toolkits Trainer Certificate upon completion. Unlimited trainers per location.

per location,  unlimited trainers

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SEASONAL WORKOUTS delivered quarterly that extend brain training opportunities.

CORPORATE CLIENTS with 10+ locations are exclusively eligible for add-on live webinar kickoff training with Dr. Cynthia Green, brain wellness expert and founder of Total Brain Health.