“Cognitive stimulation therapy, especially in the company of others, has been found to improve thinking and quality of life for persons with memory loss.” – Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention & Care

Empower your clients living with memory loss! Our science-backed cognitive wellness programs offer multi-sensory, engaging workouts that adapt to meet everyone’s unique interests and needs. Based on the cutting-edge research, Our TBH FLEX and CARE programs include:

  • Integrated Wellness Engagement across body, mind and spirit interventions shown to improve, maintain thinking and well-being
  • Cognitive Stimulation Training with structured activities that target everyday thinking, communication, and connection
  • Social-Based Brain Training uniquely designed to support interpersonal skills, social confidence and reduce isolation
  • Hands-On Learning with multisensory pathways that meet the individual however they can optimally benefit
  • Person-Centered Focus that adapts to individual interests and needs to best nurture everyone’s confidence, hope and well-being

“Being able to hear all the stories and see how happy it made the resident made it all worth it. You really got to see her mood improve.” – Pilot Study Trainer

“The resident enjoyed listening and moving to the music. She was a former dancer and it brought back memories of her performing on stage. I loved hearing about “the good old days” as she put it. It gave me a better understanding of her interests and gave me a understanding as to how active she was and still is. ” Pilot Study Trainer


    • Small group training for those living with MCI to early-stage memory loss.

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    • One-to-one or small group training for those living with moderate to late-moderate stage dementia.

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TBH Toolkits

What’s Included

How It Works

1) Sign Up: Sign up now for your annual license.

TBH FLEX 1.0 Toolkit 1-Year License Buy Now »View Toolkit
TBH CARE 1.0 Toolkit 1-Year License Buy Now »View Toolkit

Get Started: Access your trainer materials and class resources on the password-protected online portal 24/7.
 All Set! Use the trainer materials to start facilitating rewarding training classes.