Begin by sharing a “yes, and …”prompts from the list.- Ask each student to complete the prompt with their own response starting with “yes, and…”.
Trainer: “That dog can’t hunt.”
Student #1: “Yes and…that rabbit can’t run.”
Student #2: “Yes and…that rabbit can’t fly either.”
Keep going until everyone has a turn.
- Encourage students to make their answers as offbeat or funny as they can.
- Try as many prompts as time allow. Add your own prompts as well!.
As you lead the brain play, let the group know some fun brain health facts.
- We can keep our thinking fast and flexible when we train against the clock.
- Workouts like this are used by actors and others who need to keep their memories sharp, andtheir wits quick. It’s one of the ways they can learn all those lines.
- This workout trains our thinking skills, including: Attention, Speedy Thinking, Nimbleness, Verbal Skills, Memory, Problem Solving, Executive Control
Share one of these openers to start your group workout – or make up your own!
“That dog can’t hunt.”
“That bear was following me home.”
“There are green men on Mars.”
“Hoarding nuts isn’t just for squirrels.”
“Buttermilk is my favorite mouthwash.”
“Well, I got to the end of that rainbow.”
“Mable Montana makes awful macaroons.”
“I shouldn’t have invited them along.