Amp Up Attendance For Your Brain Health Classes | Do Chat GPT and I agree?
You know your active elders are keen to learn how they can keep their thinking sharp and brains healthy. Yet sometimes those brain health classes may not feel so popular, or you may worry that attendance may be waning. What can you do to amp up attendance and make sure your brain health programs thrive?
As an expert in the field, I certainly have lots of advice on this topic. But, I was curious – what would Chat GPT say you should do?
So, I asked CHAT GPT for some tips to boost attendance for a brain health program – and was pleasantly surprised to see that when it comes to the ways you can entice and engage folks in meaningful cognitive training, we share the same point-of-view.
Ready for the top 4 ways CHAT GPT and I say you can get your customers to turn out for brain health?
1. Know your customer. Find out what your residents or members really want to get out of a brain health program. Do they want to preserve quick and nimble thinking? Remember things better? Or are they primarily interested in how they can stave off cognitive decline? Then, make sure the program you offer is what they are interested in learning. A good content partner should offer you a selection of topics to choose from so you can best meet what your folks want to learn about. (Our TBH programs do).
CHAT GPT adds that you should then develop marketing materials that reflects their interest. Try flyers, posters, articles, and portal or social media posts. Just make sure that your marketing materials are responsive and show that you’ve listened to what they want and are making that happen. (These are including with our program packages).
2. Make the invitation personal. Who wants to feel like a number or cog in the wheel? Certainly not an AI program! CHAT GPT highlights the importance of personalizing invitations to your program. I couldn’t agree more. Take the time to personally invite folks to join your class. Be sure to point out the benefits of the program and how it can help them reach their own wellness goals. Next, invite them to talk up the program in their social circles and to bring friends to class. CHAT GPT suggests a referral incentive program, where folks are rewarded for bringing someone new to the classes (that could be fun!). And don’t forget the power of their own words – Invite folks to share stories about the program and why they love it at other classes or community events. Even a machine knows the power of the personal testimonial.
3. Make sure it’s worth their while. CHAT GPT’s 3rd tip? Make sure the class content is engaging and interactive. Again, I could not agree more – in fact, that is the only way we
do things here at Total Brain Health! After all, if something isn’t engaging, meaningful, and fun, why would any of us want to attend? In addition to making sure the program is enjoyable, CHAT GPT suggests you focus on material that is practical and applicable to everyday life, with takeaways students can use to continue learning on their own. Happily, that advice is an easy fit for TBH, since all our training is designed to give folks practical, sustainable ways they can sharpen their thinking, rev up their recall, and reduce cognitive loss. And each of our classes comes with handouts and more so folks can continue learning on their own.
4. Make sure they feel welcomed. Folks will attend classes where they feel respected, included, and valued. Part of that equation is to ensure that students always find a welcoming class environment that adapts to their interests and needs, and that is empowering and connecting. As CHAT GPT concludes, “remember it is crucial to maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment where older adults feel comfortable and supported. Building trust and rapport with potential attendees can further boost attendance as they recognize the value of the brain health class and the positive impact it can have on their lives.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.
I know that these strategies are surefire, proven ways you can make sure your brain health classes are among the most popular listings on your community calendar. Isn’t it nice to see that CHAT GPT agrees?
President and founder of Total Brain Health, Cynthia R. Green, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, author and nationally recognized expert on memory fitness and brain health.